__klf_StrArg_MapOp | |
KLFSysInfo::BatteryInfo | |
KLFEnumListWidget::Item | |
KLFAbstractPropertizedObject | An abstract object characterized by properties |
KLFAbstractPropertizedObjectSaver | Inherit this class to implement a custom saver for KLFAbstractPropertizedObjects |
KLFAdvancedConfigEditor | |
KLFColorChooser | |
KLFColorChooseWidget | |
KLFColorChooseWidgetPane | A pane displaying a gradient of colors, controlling one or two (arbitrary) components of a color |
KLFColorClickSquare | |
KLFColorComponentsEditorBase | Base utility class that stores and calculates specific components of a color that is being edited |
KLFColorComponentSpinBox | A Spin box editing a component of a color |
KLFColorDialog | A dialog to let the user select a color |
KLFConfigBase | |
KLFConfigProp< T > | |
KLFConfigPropBase | |
KLFContainerSideWidgetManager | A generic container side widget show/hide manager (mac only) |
KLFDebugBlock | Utility to time the execution of a block |
KLFDebugBlockTimer | An extension of KLFDebugBlock with millisecond-time display |
KLFDebugObjectWatcher | |
KLFDelayedPleaseWaitPopup | A popup screen inviting user to wait, appearing after a delay |
KLFDisplayLabel | A label to display a LaTeX-formula-output-like image |
KLFDropDataHandler | An abstract handler for when data is dropped |
KLFEnumComboBox | Combo box proposing a list of (integer) enumeration values |
KLFEnumListWidget | |
KLFEnumType | |
klfEqualFunc< Value > | Implements default equality tester with operator== |
KLFFactoryBase | Base class for factories |
KLFFactoryManager | A base abstract factory manager class |
KLFFloatSideWidgetManager | A Floating window show/hide manager |
KLFFlowLayout | A Layout that places widgets left to right, top to bottom |
KLFFlowListWidget | |
KLFGridFlowLayout | A Layout that lays out its children in a grid, flowing left to right, top to bottom |
KLFItemViewSearchTarget | A search target (for KLFSearchBar) for standard item views |
KLFIteratorSearchable< Iter > | A Searchable object interface based on iterative searching |
KLFLatexEdit | A text edit field that edits latex code |
KLFLatexParenSpecs | |
KLFLatexSyntaxHighlighter | |
KLFMacAutoReleaseBlock | |
KLFMapInitData< Value > | |
KLFPathChooser | A widget comprising of a line edit and a "browse" button |
KLFPixmapButton | |
KLFPleaseWaitPopup | A popup screen inviting the user to wait |
KLFPObjEditWidget | |
KLFPObjPropRef< T > | |
KLFPObjPropRefHelper | |
KLFPObjRegisteredType | |
KLFPointerGuard | |
KLFPosSearchable | An object that can be searched with a KLFSearchBar |
KLFPosSearchableProxy | |
KLFProgErr | |
KLFProgressDialog | A Progress Dialog |
KLFProgressReporter | Object that emits progress information of a (lengthy) operation |
KLFPropertizedObject | A class that holds properties |
KLFRefPtr< T > | Stores a pointer to an object with refcount |
KLFRelativeFont | |
KLFRelativeFontBase | |
KLFSearchable | An interface for objects that can be I-searched with a KLFSearchBar (OBSOLETE) |
KLFSearchableProxy | A proxy class that relays search queries to another searchable object (OBSOLETE) |
KLFSearchBar | An Search Bar for Incremental Search |
KLFShowHideSideWidgetManager | A show-widget/hide-widget side widget show/hide manager |
KLFSideWidget | A widget that can be shown or hidden, that expands a main widget, e.g. klatexformula expanded mode |
KLFSideWidgetManagerBase | Abstract core functionality of showing/hiding a KLFSideWidget |
KLFSideWidgetManagerFactory | A factory for creating side widget managers |
KLFSpecifyableRegisteredType | |
KLFSpecifyableType | |
klfStrCaseEqualFunc | Implements an equality tester between strings |
KLFSyncGuardPtr< T > | Store a guarded pointer, synchronizing other copies of this pointer |
KLFTarget | |
KLFTargeter | |
KLFToolsDesPlugin | |
KLFUnitChooser | A combo box to select a unit for measures |
KLFUnitSpinBox | A spin box that can display values in different units |
KLFVariantConverter< T > | |
KLFVariantConverter< QList< T > > | |
KLFVariantConverter< QTextCharFormat > | |
KLFWaitAnimationOverlay | An animation display |
KLFWindowGeometryRestorer | Helper class that restores window geometry after show/hide events |
KLFConfigBase::ObjConnection | |
KLFLatexParenSpecs::ParenModifierSpec | |
KLFLatexParenSpecs::ParenSpec | |
KLFLatexSyntaxHighlighter::ParsedBlock | |
KLFPosSearchable::Pos | An abstract position in a searchable object |
KLFPosSearchable::Pos::PosData | A Base class for storing abstract position data |
QtColorTriangle | Triangular color selection widget |
KLFUnitChooser::Unit |