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User Manual:Library File Formats

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Sqlite Database Format (.klf.db)

This format (the default for the local library) is in fact a Sqlite 3 database file. It greatly optimizes loading and saving time (compared to the .klf format), however big actions (cutting or pasting large parts of the library) are slower. This format is also crash-safe (since Sqlite provides high-tech database-syncing and journaling... as opposed to the .klf format where if the application crashed before being able to save, or while saving, the library data was likely to be lost).

This format was introduced in KLatexFormula 3.2.

Advanced note: This format supports resource and sub-resource properties (locking the resource/sub-resource, resource/sub-resource titles, etc.)

Check out the Devel Manual:APIs for specifics.

Library Export Format (.klf)

This format (the default for library exports) is a (custom) binary format in which the formula list is saved, along with their respective styles and resource information etc.

This format takes time to load and save, however large operations (cutting and pasting large amounts of entries) are fast.

If klatexformula crashes while saving in this format, the file will be corrupt and all data will be completely lost. If klatexformula crashes before being able to save the file, then the most recent modifications will be lost.

This format was introduced in KLatexFormula 2.1, and the file format has stayed backwards compatible since. In version 3.2.2 some meta-data is appended at the end of the file, which is ignored by previous versions of KLatexFormula, which implements resource properties such as locking the resource.

As a special case, klatexformula 2.1 through 3.1 use this format with a different header as local library file, which klatexformula 3.2 is capable of reading and writing. KLatexFormula 2.0's history uses yet another format which is also understood by klatexformula 3.2.

Advanced note: This format supports resource properties since version 3.2.2, and does not support sub-resource properties.

Check out the Devel Manual:APIs for specifics.