Expanded window mode

KLatexFormula 2.0.1 in expanded mode

[ KLatexFormula 2.0.1 in expanded mode ]

In expanded mode, you can handle more options such as foreground and background color, [LaTeX] math mode and preamble, and DPI pixelisation settings. A combination of specific settings for each of those options is known to form a "Style".

You can decide the colors you want your formula to have, both foreground and background. You can choose your color from the list of predefined colors, or set your own by choosing "custom". You may want a transparent background to your equation. Then check the checkbox. Note that the background may be either transparent or opaque, no 8-bit alpha is supported. Foreground is opaque anyway.

You can set a specific math mode for LaTeX. You can choose between a few predefined modes including display-style, inline-style and array-style, or set your own mode by typing in the delimiters. Note that the three dots in this string is crucial since they will be replaced by the equation to be evaluated. If you rather not use any math mode, ie. you want to render simple text, then simply uncheck the checkbox.

You may edit also the LaTeX preamble. This text will be inserted as is at the beginning of the document, after the \documentclass instruction and before \begin{document}. This is the good place to include \usepackage and \newcommand instructions.

Another option you can set is the DPI resolution. This value is passed on to ghostscript in the process of creating a PNG image out of the EPS dvips output. A big image is 1200 dpi. A regular text-sized image can be 150 or 300 dpi, for example.