KLatexFormula Documentation

User Scripts: KLF Backend Engine

User scripts of the klf-backend-engine category define an alternative workflow for generating an equation image from input latex code, altering the default latex workflow for generating various formats from the original LaTeX code.

See also general info on user scripts.

This page describes how “klf-backend-engine” user scripts interact with the workflow, what they can influence, how they are called, and what meta-information they should provide.

What the user script does

The user script is executed in every case immediately after having formed the LaTeX source file (i.e., immediately after Point 1 here).

The user script may do anything it likes (it may even choose to ignore the provided latex source completely and generate its own with the information provided in the environment variables). In the end, it should generate one or more of the formats listed in here.

Klatexformula will attempt to produce all the other formats it would normally produce, using whatever steps of the workflow are needed to produce them, unless the format has been explicitly disabled (“skipped”) by the user script. Which formats are to be skipped is specified in the user script’s meta-information provided in its scriptinfo.xml file (see below).

Note: For example, if the user script doesn’t generate DVI, then the workflow will (re-)run latex as usual unless the user script explicitly asks to skip the DVI format.

Note: If you would like to override only later steps (and not the latexdvi step), then chances are you should be writing a klf-export-type category script instead. Those scripts may generate additional formats starting from any of the base generated formats. [Note to self: the dvipng-backend script should probably have been a klf-export-type, in retrospective.]

Expected user script behavior

The user script is called with a single argument, the latex file name.

After the user script has terminated, the output is read from output files which must have been generated by the user script. The file names are those provided in the KLF_FN_* environment variables. The user script must create the files with those exact names, or klatexformula won’t be able to retrieve the user script output.

For instance, if the user script spits out PNG data, it should create a file whose full name is the contents of the KLF_FN_PNG environment variable.

Disabling selected input widgets

When running a user script, some input settings may become irrelevant. For instance, there is no use setting the “math mode”, “font”, or “preamble” when using the user script “Custom Template”. In such cases, the user script may specify which input widgets should be grayed out to the user. This is done via the scriptinfo XML information (see below).

Providing an additional input widget

A user script may require additional input. For instance, the “Custom Template” should provide a text field for the custom template to be input.

User scripts may provide a custom Qt Designer UI form, which it can declare in its XML scriptinfo meta-information (see below).

Those widgets in the UI form named INPUT_fieldname are recognized as input widgets; their value will be retrieved and passed on to the user script. The input fields are provided to the user script as KLF_ARG_fieldname environment variables.

XML configuration for the backend engine

What exactly is achieved by the script is determined by additional configuration in the scriptinfo.xml file, specified inside the <klf-backend-engine> ... </klf-backend-engine> XML element:

  • <spits-out>...</spits-out> specifies the format(s) which the user script provides. The contents of the XML tag should be a space-separated list of formats chosen from the list of possible formats given in the latex workflow. These are: latex, dvi, eps-raw, eps-bbox, eps-processed, png, pdf, svg.

  • <skip-formats>...</skip-formats> (optional) specifies a list of formats which we should simply not attempt to generate. For example, if you provide a user scripts which directly generates PNG or PDF data, it is probably useless to try to generate a DVI file. (And worse, if you don’t explicitly skip the DVI format, klatexformula will (re-)run latex to generate it.)

    The value of this XML element should be a space-separated list of formats which the klatexformula backend should not attempt to generate. The possible formats are the same as for <spits-out>...</spits-out>.

    Additionally, you may use the syntax <spits-out selector="all-except">...</spits-out>, in which case all formats except those specified are skipped.

  • <disable-inputs>...</disable-inputs> (optional) Specifies a list of widget names which should be disabled when this user script is selected.

    This should be a space-separated list of any of the following widget names, which should be self-explanatory:

    • FG_COLOR
    • BG_COLOR
    • FONT
    • DPI

    Additionally, you may use the following selectors as shorthands (selectors are case-insensitive):

    • <disable-inputs selector="ALL"></disable-inputs> — disables all widgets

    • <disable-inputs selector="ALL EXCEPT">X Y Z</disable-inputs> — disables all widgets except those specified

    • <disable-inputs selector="ALL_INPUT">...</disable-inputs> — disables all widgets which influence the latex “input”, namely FG_COLOR, BG_COLOR, MATHMODE, PREAMBLE, FONT, and FONTSIZE. Additional widget names may be specified, in which case they are disabled as well.

    • <disable-inputs selector="ALL_INPUT EXCEPT">X Y Z</disable-inputs> — disables all widgets which influence the latex “input” (as above), except for those specified widgets X, Y, Z.

  • <input-form-ui>...</input-form-ui> (optional) specify a Qt Designer UI file to be used as interface for the user to specify additional input to the user script. This interface is displayed under the “Script” tab in expanded mode. is selected.

    Controls in the UI file which represent settings should be given a name starting with INPUT_. When the user script is run, all settings are provided to the user script as environment variables named KLF_ARG_<name> where <name> is the widget name without the INPUT_ prefix.

Script Environment Variables

Describing the user input

  • KLF_INPUT_LATEX — The latex input, as entered by the user in the main text editor of the application

  • KLF_INPUT_MATHMODE — The math mode to use, as entered by user (should contain ... to be replaced with LaTeX code)

  • KLF_INPUT_PREAMBLE — The preamble specified by the user

  • KLF_INPUT_FONTSIZE — The requested font size, or -1 if the user selected “default”.

  • KLF_INPUT_FG_COLOR_WEB — The requested foreground color, in web format #000000

  • KLF_INPUT_FG_COLOR_RGBA — The requested foreground color as rgba(R, G, B, A) with values 0..255

  • KLF_INPUT_BG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT — Boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether the background should be transparent.

  • KLF_INPUT_BG_COLOR_WEB — The requested background color, in web format #000000

  • KLF_INPUT_BG_COLOR_RGBA — The requested background color as rgba(R, G, B, A) with values 0..255

  • KLF_INPUT_DPI — The requested DPI resolution

  • KLF_INPUT_USERSCRIPT — The user script being run

  • KLF_INPUT_VECTORSCALE — The vector scaling factor requested by the user. This is size ratio, not in percent (i.e., original size is 1.0). (Note: this environment variable is not set in KLF 4.0.0, fixed in KLF 4.0.1)

  • KLF_INPUT_BYPASS_TEMPLATE — Whether in the input, the bypassTemplate flag was set. This is never the case in the KLatexFormula application (but may be the case if you’re using the libklfbackend library directly).

Access to KLatexFormula’s settings

  • KLF_TEMPDIR — The temporary directory set in klatexformula’s settings.

    Note: the path in which the workflow is carried out will be different, and should be a subdirectory of KLF_TEMPDIR. See KLF_TEMPFNAME below.

  • KLF_LATEX — The path to latex

  • KLF_DVIPS — The path to dvips

  • KLF_GS — The path to gs

  • KLF_GS_VERSION — The version of gs to which KLF_GS points

  • KLF_GS_DEVICES — A list of available devices of gs pointed to by KLF_GS, formatted as a comma-separated list

  • KLF_SETTINGS_BORDEROFFSET — The border offset settings, formatted as 1.23,1.23,1.23,1.23 pt (using pt units regardless of user selection), where the dimensions correspond to top, right, bottom, and left border offset, respectively.

  • KLF_SETTINGS_OUTLINEFONTS — klatexformula’s setting of whether to outline fonts in EPS (0 or 1)

  • KLF_SETTINGS_CALCEPSBOUNDINGBOX — klatexformula’s setting of whether to recalculate the precise bounding box fonts in EPS (0 or 1)

  • KLF_SETTINGS_WANT_RAW — Whether the backend settings has the wantRaw flag set (0 or 1); user scripts are not expected to honor this

  • KLF_SETTINGS_WANT_PDF — Whether the backend settings has the wantPdf flag set (0 or 1); user scripts are not expected to honor this

  • KLF_SETTINGS_WANT_SVG — Whether the backend settings has the wantSvg flag set (0 or 1); user scripts are not expected to honor this

Calculated file names for the current job

  • KLF_TEMPFNAME — The temporary file base name. Each of the KLF_FN_* variables are just different suffixes appended to this base name.

  • KLF_FN_LATEX — The source tex file after formatting with the default template, including the user’s preamble, math mode, color settings etc. (format name latex)

  • KLF_FN_DVI — File name for the DVI output (format name dvi)

  • KLF_FN_EPS_RAW — File name for the raw EPS output (format name eps-raw)

  • KLF_FN_EPS_BBOX — File name for the processed EPS output (format name eps-bbox) (Note: this environment variable is not set in KLF 4.0.0, fixed in KLF 4.0.1)

  • KLF_FN_EPS_PROCESSED — File name for the processed EPS output (format name eps-processed)

  • KLF_FN_PNG — File name for the PNG output (format name png)

  • KLF_FN_PDF — File name for the PDF output (format name pdf)

  • KLF_FN_SVG — File name for the SVG output (format name svg)